R-18 Bold Contemporary Dance
I, together with yacel, mj and dada (and we saw yabs and lorraine there), watched this show last night at the Airdance Studio located at the 2nd Floor of the Outlet Yard (along Quezon Ave.). One word to describe the show:
was the first time that I watched a dance show, and I really enjoyed the show. It was a nice experience also because think of this you are sitting in front of the performers. Proximity. You can see how professional the dancers are. They are not distracted by the audience's reactions while they are just near them.
astig...You can also see the key points that Sir Avel and Ate Vicky always tell us: Breathing and Expressions. They bring out the life of the dance. It brings emotions and fluidity to the dance.
Seeing the people from Airdance perform just leaves me strucked. It is like I want to dance with them *sigh* they are really good. Just imagine dance performances about a truce and shower (yah dance about taking a bath haha), and more...
It was also the first time I saw guys dance while wearing only briefs. Oh well, I didn't really expected this but hey look at the title. Why would you give a title like : R-18... with out showing flesh at the show right?
I would like to end this entry with the World Dance Alliance Message
Dance is exclusive to no one.It grants joy and elation to all that partake or spectate.The language of dance knows no boundaries.It reaches beyond class, education, country and belief.Its vocabulary is infinite, as human emotion resonates through movement.Dance enriches the soul and uplifts the spirit.Dance lives within all that live.Let all the children dance and peace shall surely follow.MIYAKO YOSHIDA
UNESCO Artist for Peace, 2004Prima Ballerina, Birmingham Royal Ballet=====================================R-18 Bold Contemporary Dance is part of the CONTEMPORARY DANCE MAP - International Dance Day 2005